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Sid Miedema – Auction Manager


Sid Miedema founded Miedema Auctioneering in 1984. Today, Miedema Auctioneering has grown into Miedema Asset Management Group, which consists of Miedema Auctioneering, Miedema Appraisals, Repocast.com, Orbitbid.com, LastBidRealestate.com, OAS, Rangerbid.com, SSL Corp LLC, and Orbitbidcharity.com. The companies annually conduct over 500 auctions and appraise millions of dollars of assets. Sid is a first generation auctioneer and was inducted into the MAA Hall of Fame in 2005 and MAA bid calling champion1995. He has served as Director and President of the MAA. He is a licensed real estate broker and member of CAR & MAR. Sid has been privileged to present seminars at several association events and calling bids for many charity auctions. Sid currently serves as CEO of Miedema Asset Management Group.

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